Send a message flow to a chat on ChatDaddy when a new campaign is sent on Sendy
Send a message on ChatDaddy when someone unsubscribes from a list via a campaign or Sendy's 'unsubscribe' API on Sendy
Add a tag to contact on ChatDaddy when a new subscriber is added to a list via Sendy's subscribe form or the API on Sendy
Create a contact on ChatDaddy on Sendy
Subscribe a new user to a list. This action can also be used to update an existing subscriber on Sendy when new contact created on ChatDaddy
Create a new draft campaign on Sendy when contact tag is updated on ChatDaddy
Unsubscribes an email address from a list on Sendy when new tag created on ChatDaddy
on Sendy when new team member is added on ChatDaddy